Monday, October 5, 2009

foggy baby

This morning I was due for a short run and headed out alone. Up till now it's been sunny and mostly nice weather as I've been training... this morning was 38 degrees and foggy. Definitely not a let's go run morning in my book ~ more like a curl up on the couch and drink more coffee morning. I know I'm looking at 4 more months of this weather, though, so staying home was not an option. I pulled out long sleeves, long pants and my neon pink running gloves for the first time this fall and took off from my house. I ran down the long hill, over to the elementary school, then back around a couple of loops of neighborhoods before heading back up the long hill. By mile 2 I was no longer cold ~ neon pink had to go into my pockets. Discovered a couple of things this morning: 1. Dang, I breathe loud. I left my ipod behind this morning and all I could hear was me sucking wind. 2. Jumping onto the caps of acorns while running past them produces a very satisfying crunch.

So there you have it. Now, back to the couch...

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