Thursday, October 8, 2009

9 miles and counting

Today was my long run - 9 miles this week. Other than my accidental half marathon, I'm way up into new distances. The 8 went well last week, so I wasn't really nervous until yesterday. There's something about knowing a big distance is looming out there in 24 hours that just creates tension!

I met Julie at the Pill Box down by the hospital with the plan of running down Miller, out to Highway 99 and back to the Pill Box. We spent the first mile with me messing with my new watch. I haven't gone the GPS route at this point, but I happily bought a Timex Ironman Triathlon because of the two interval timers. I tried to set it for the first time in a hurry this morning, apparently without success. Finally I had to just start watching the clock for intervals, got to fix that thing at home I guess.

I think we had a good, solid run all the way out to the highway, so 4.5 miles. At about mile 4 I was thinking I could just run forever. Funny, though, once we turned around and started back it all just seemed so hard. The very slight incline didn't help, but for about a mile and a half or two miles we slogged along just a bit. Around mile 6 both of us were feeling better and at mile 7.5 decided to run it all the way in without intervals. I love how that feels - like you're kicking those miles right in the rear with a good HA!

So now I'm trying not to think about 10.

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