Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Super Woman Blue

I painted my nails Super Woman Blue today, also called Surf City Blue.  For some reason it gave me a little mental boost and every time I look at them I smile.  I'm imagining they are radioactive and leeching super powers into my body through my fingernails.  haha.  I am a dork.

I've researched and queried the heck out of the 18 trying to figure out what went wrong and I've come to a few conclusions.  My number one guess for the primary problem is that I just plain wasn't well nourished or hydrated.  I think I hit a big, fat crash as a result.  Can someone tell me why I always seem to learn best by the crash and burn method?  Would a little common sense be a good idea, maybe?  Shaking my head at myself.  Hopefully I've got that under better control for this week.

I'm also nursing a sore left leg, which has been a bit worrisome.  Hopefully it will get some of those radioactive fingernail polish thingys in time for the run.

Tomorrow morning we hit the 20 and I'm feeling the excitement of it being my last official long run before the marathon.  I intend to run 22 in  two weeks, but that will be a split so it feels different.  I've been treating this run like a dress rehearsal ~ trying to do everything possible to have a successful last run.  We shall see how it goes.

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