Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Half Marathon... halfway there!

May 3rd, 2009:  Eugene Half Marathon, my accidental and unintentional half, completed in 2:44.
Nov 10, 2009:  Training Half, this one intentional, completed in 2:26.  So maybe training really does make a difference.  haha! 

Julie and I ran our 13 miles yesterday just 3 days after our 12.  Not ideal, certainly, but necessary due to crazy schedules this week.   All in all, I think it went really well.  We both started out stiff and slow (well, actually we're always slow... so maybe we started out extra slow) and had sore muscles and achy things for the first 3 or 4 miles.  Once we left town and headed out into the countryside we finally started to find our groove.  Mental preparation is making a huge difference for me ~ I'm trying to be very conscious of what I'm saying to myself in my head about all of this.  I think it helped avoid the nasty wall I hit last time we ran this route. 

We were both very happy with our time.  I don't know yet whether I can sustain this pace for 26 miles, but if I could I would complete the marathon in around 5 hours.  I would be thrilled to finish with that time, so I'm feeling pretty good right now. 

The biggest difference I noticed with only a three day break between long runs is that I am incredibly stiff and sore today.  Hobbling along a little, but super pleased with yesterday.  I'm going to rest up for a few days before heading out for a short run. 


Julie said...

At the rate we are going, I think you will be very pleased with your marathon time in a couple months. You are awesome!

Annette said...

Nice work! You are so going to be ready. :)

Can do mom said...

Hey Darcy! I am so proud of you. Go girl! You are really doing well in your marathon training. I wish I could join you but bad knees keep me from running anymore. Keep up the great work!