Saturday, November 28, 2009


It seems that the story of my long runs usually begins a few days prior to the run.  The stories begin with things like "I got lots of sleep this week so I felt well rested on my run".  Or maybe "I should've had more water this week as I felt a bit dehydrated on my run."  Unfortunately, the story of my 14 mile run begins with, "I ate a giant burrito on Wednesday."

It was a delicious burrito ~ quite possibly the best I've ever had.  It was so good, in fact, that I ate the whole thing.  I bet it weighed 3 pounds.  Did I mention the rice and beans were to-die-for good, too?  Yep, I ate all of those, too.  It was heaven, but before the last bite urped its way down, I realized this could be a problem for Friday's run.  I shook off the nagging thought, unbuttoned my jeans (okay, not really, but I felt like it), and continued on my way.

Without getting too graphic let me tell you that I should not have eaten the whole thing.  Bad, bad idea.  A few miles into our 14 mile run I was knocking of the door of the Lavendar Farm out of the highway, hoping beyond hope they would let me in.  Thankfully, the office was open and they let us make a little pit stop. 

Lesson learned.  Giant burritos + Long runs = Bad, bad, bad

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