Thursday, January 8, 2009


That's how I feel with these races I seem to be getting myself into. I keep pinching myself to make sure it's really me doing this, and yep, it is. Actually the pinching isn't necessary today because I have enough aches and pains to prove it's really me.

I do feel like I'm doing things a bit backwards, though. I really, really wanted to run my first 5k last spring at the Keizer Iris Festival, but it just didn't work out. After that fell through I slacked off on my running, just focusing more on weight training and trying like heck not to put on poundage. That being quite unsuccessful, I really wasn't physically ready to be running yet when I found my running partner. I knew it was a good match, though, so I threw myself back into it, no doubt faster than I should have. In hindsight I'm lucky I didn't have a massive coronary on that first 3 mile run up and over the top of a very steep hill!

When I finally did run my first 5k, I hadn't ever actually run 3 miles without stopping. I'd done interval work up to 4 or 5 miles at that point, I think, but no straight 3 milers. The whole way into the race I really was feeling like I was way out of my league and totally unprepared. I did manage to meet my goal, which was to run the entire thing, no walking, but I didn't have a sense of being well trained.

So now I'm staring down the barrel of a 10k (ack!) wondering, once again, how the heck this happened! I feel completely unprepared. I haven't been training for a 10k ~ I was thinking a few more 5k's and I'd feel like a runner. I'm still hobbling from my first ever 6 mile run this week and wondering if I'll even be recovered enough by Sunday to run the race. I really feel way over my head.

I guess there's no point to this post, except to say that I don't feel ready. I'm mentally wading through the muck trying to get to the toughness.


Anonymous said...

Don't over-think it. I often don't feel ready, but we're never in perfect shape. We can always improve. Just approach your 10K with the training you have and watch what happens. Take it at your own pace and enjoy doing yet another thing you didn't think you could do. :)

RunToTheFinish said...

I say just try to enjoy it. You don't have to run the whole thing, you can just enjoy seeing what you can do and then you'll have a jumping off point for the next one!