Monday, December 29, 2008

I've done it now

My running partner talked me into signing up to run the Cascade 10k with her on January 11. I'm insane! Ack. She doesn't want to go alone, and I'm intrigued by the challenge, I guess. We made a deal (again) that we don't have to stick together. She has full permission to leave me in the dust. Oh boy, I hope I'm not nuts. We're going to focus our training for the next two weeks and just see what we can do.

This morning we ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill after a hiatus of several weeks due to ice, wind and fudge. We were going to run outside, but it was really nasty out there when I got up so we switched gears. I thought the 4.5 miles would be too much my first day back, but I actually felt pretty good! That's a good sign for tackling this 10k, I guess. Oh gosh, can't believe I signed up.


Anonymous said...

Yay for you! You'll do great. The course is nice and flat, so that's a happy bonus. :) I didn't realize they had a 10K also. Hmmmm. . . I have some friends doing the half. Maybe I'll consider it.

By the way - what's up with creepy "nice blog" dude?

Darcy said...

I don't know!