Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fastest 3 miles ever

This morning my partner couldn't run, but my fear of the upcoming 5k got me out the door anyway. I dropped my oldest at the high school and then drove out 1.5 miles and parked the car. My intention was to run from the car all the way back to my house (1.5 miles) and then back to the car. That's my little trick to keep myself going when I'm alone... must retrieve car, might as well run. Anyway, there's a pretty long hill leading up to my house. I managed to run all the way to the top, walked probably 100 feet at the top, then turned around and ran back down the hill and to the car. I was working hard, no doubt, but when I climbed into the car I was amazed at how much time I had managed to shave off my previous 3 mile trips. I was confused, but whatever... guess I'm faster than I realized. I spent the day slightly suspicious that something had gone awry, so when I had a chance this afternoon I drove the route again. I don't know if I had a brain lapse or what, but it was only a 2 mile run, not 3! No wonder I was super speedy. Duh. Oh well, 2 miles is better than nothing and I through in the hill for good measure.

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