Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trotting Along... Hippie Chick in sight

I've been doing a wee little bit of running lately, which is mentally a relief.  I have the impressive ability to pack on the pounds quickly, so a few weeks off road is a bad thing for me!  I haven't done any runs farther than 3 miles, but I've been walking evenings with the hubster as well. 

I've been facing a dilemma, which is I'm registered for the Hippie Chick Half and totally not trained to run it.  I really, sincerely thought having it looming over my head after Surf City would be my motivation to keep on running, but clearly not.  I debated just losing the registration fee and skipping it, but the Hippie Chick is a tough race to get into... I stayed up till midnight to register and by 3:00 a.m. or something crazy like that it was completely sold out.  Plus, the name is cool.  I mean, come on... Hippie Chick?  Way cool.  I'm a little bummed they're doing medals instead of necklaces this year, but still...

So I've decided to stay in.  Probably I shouldn't mention this out loud as I know it's relatively stupid, but the first half marathon I ever ran I did with zero training (I call it my Accidental Half), so how bad can this be?!?  I'm running a little and intend to continue that.  I'm planning to sneak in a few 5's between now and then, too.  Race day plan is to wing it.  Yep, wing it.  Clearly I can't hope to set a new PR, but I can get out there, enjoy the day and finish the race one way or the other.  I'll do a walk/run combo with the emphasis on the walk (yeah, right) and see what happens. 


Can do mom said...

I have only done one half marathon so I'm hardly an expert and it was many years ago as well but I remember thinking I was not ready for the race. It actually didn't go that bad as I never walked and I finished in under two hours.

Keep running and just do the best you can. You need a t-shirt that says Hippie Chick on it. You do!

Julie said...

Hey Darcy, I was just reading a e-mail from "running with Paula" and it said, "and you will look so cute in your heart shaped Hippie Chick finisher's necklace." So, I hope this is true!!! I am starting to feel sick thinking about this, I need to go do laundry or something :S