Saturday, March 20, 2010

Giving Yourself the Willies

Know how to do it?  Peel your toenails off... that will do it. 

This morning my first two post-marathon nails came off.  OH MY GOSH.  Gross.  :P  Big toenails are still in place, but the #2 toes on both feet are now nail-less.  So disgusting.  At first I got the serious willies, then I thought it was kind of cool, then I picked the cuticles off the toenails sitting in my palm.  Once that was through I promptly started grossing out as many of my children as possible.  haha ~ that was fun!  :)  George, Mr. Former Army Medic, refused to be grossed out, but the kids were quite satisfying. 

On a more encouraging note, I went for a little 3 mile run in the sunshine with my cousin Windy this morning.  She was here from Denver for a few days with her family and so out we went.  The weather was gorgeous and it was good to have someone drag me out the door. 

Loved running with you, Win.  Never thought I'd be doing that!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Notice I have spared you a picture. You're welcome.