Monday, February 22, 2010

Back at it, little bunny

One marathon training over + One race successfully run + Six nasty toes + One slight cold + One gray sky that never goes away = A Good Old Fashioned Funk.

Fortunately, funks do not have to last forever and the sun does eventually come out to shine.

I've been working on dragging myself out of the depths for the last week or so, occasionally sure that my bootstraps were stuck deep in quicksand.  I think I'm finally coming around, though.  The sunshine this week is an enormous help.  Saturday we got out into the yard for a little yard work.  Something about chopping down dead things to make way for spring is very therapeutic.  Then Sunday George and I went for a short 2 mile run at the track.  It was slow and easy and although I was pretty cranky about it, it broke the ice for me.  Sunday late afternoon and evening we drove to the beach with friends and I just soaked up the spectacular colors and some big, impressive surf.  Just what the doctor ordered. 

I am scheduled to run Tuesday morning with Julie for the first time in weeks, so after a rather sleepless night decided I deserved a rest day today.  I dropped the kids at school, came home and went straight to nap position on the couch.  I was just getting nice and cozy with a kitty curled up on my feet when Blanca sent me a text... "Want to run today?"  Hm.  Not good.  See, now the dilemma kicks in.  I don't want Blanca to think I'm avoiding her (we are running Hood to Coast together this summer), plus the sun is shining one more time before the rain returns, plus the 4 miles would be good for me.  *sigh*

So off the couch I went ~ with a nasty look from my cat who did not appreciate the upset ~ got dressed and off to Blanca's.  We ran 4 miles in the crisp sunshine and it felt really, really good.  I thanked her for kicking me off the couch when it was over. 

I guess this means I'm not allowed my funk anymore, huh? 


Can do mom said...

Climb out of your funk, Darcy! I'm still feeling so impressed by your completing a marathon. :) I hope your runs become more and more fun so that you just can't wait to get out there when you go!

Annette said...

I can soo relate to your funk. I always get that after a big event. At least you have people to help you out of it. What a treat! So - I've gotta ask - what's next?