Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter is not so fun for running

I thought I was going to be the tough! one who ran outside all winter long, but it seems I'm the wimpy one who avoids going out there when it's wet and cold. I have these really cool running gloves that I've only worn twice, too. Bummer. Gotta break those babies in!

I've been walking some, once outdoors but mostly on the treadmill where it's warm and there are people to chat with. Today I schlepped along for an hour at a pretty good clip. I'm trying to figure out how to mix walking training into my running. I don't want to give up running to train for the Portland to Coast, but I definitely need to train for it. I need to come up with a plan, but for now I just keep going where the wind takes me. I have to really kind of get inside my own head when I walk ~ mind over matter type deal ~ as I find the walking a bit yawnish. I'm working at it, though.

So I'm signed up for several things, all of which are way over my head and I better get crackin' on the training. March 15 I'm running the Shamrock Run 8k in downtown Portland. Something about it just really appeals to me ~ looks like a party in the streets. The only problem with said party is the running 8k part. haha. I really need to be training for this because of that shin splint thing. I need a kick in the pants, though, as I keep thinking about training but not really doing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about winter running. Some days it really sucks! Motivation is harder to find. BUT - you do have an 8K coming up - so get out there and run, woman! ;)

I decided I'm going to do Shamrock now. I'm going to go for the 15K. I haven't done that one before and I hear the hill is brutal - but, hey, it can't be as bad as our last race, right? ???? I decided to go for it since my training plan calls for a 9 miler that week - might as well run with all the crazies as opposed to going it alone! So, hopefully I'll see ya there.