Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sarah Runs, Too. (sort of )

Today was my 11 year old Sarah's first 5k. 

She's been interested in my running since I started a few years ago and has dabbled a little tiny bit here and there.  She talks about the mile training they're doing in P.E., she asks me about my runs, and she even ran a 1k at a race last fall.  Her big focus has been on her outfit.  The girl is a self-proclaimed fashionista and when asked if she wanted to run that 1k, her first question was, "Will you buy me running pants?"  (thank you, Target, for stocking girls size athletic gear).

So today, in her little spandex shorts, her tech tee and her sunglasses, we headed out to her first 5k.  The race of choice was the New Balance Girls on the Run 5k in Corvallis.  It was the perfect race because while plenty of fast and serious runners turn out, it's also packed full of girls of all shapes and sizes who participate in the Girls on the Run program.  Sarah was excited, and a little nervous.  I was happy we were going to run together, and her dad came along to cheer for her and take pictures. 

At the start signal we began to run.  Sarah was wearing an interval timer on her wrist, which I had set to run 3 minutes and walk 1.  I thought that was probably conservative, but better to start easy.  As soon as the crowd cleared out, Sarah took off sprinting.  I hollered at her to slow down, save her energy.  We went through a few cycles of walk/run, each time with me telling her to slow down.  Finally I said, "You're getting annoyed when I say that, aren't you?"  YES.  Okay, fine.  I won't say that anymore.  So we run along, then we walk.  Pretty soon she's getting cranky.  I'm feeling her out ~ trying to decide if she chatting will help or not.  Judging by the growling responses, I'm thinking not.  By the first mile marker she is scowling and complaining she's hot.  We're no longer running on our 3/1 plan ~ we're reduced to running to the next tree.

At about mile 1.5 she growls at me, "Mom ~ I am SWEATING!"  I replied, "You're supposed to sweat.  You're exercising and it's a sunny day.  Everyone is sweating."  She snarls back, "It is NOT ATTRACTIVE."  lol  At this point her crankiness is getting humorous. 

Around the 2 mile mark she is growling at the watch every time it beeps an interval and finally starts trying to rip it off.  "Do you want me to wear it?"  I ask.  "YES!"  No friendly inflection there, by the way.  So I take the beeping watch while she is muttering about that dumb thing.  The girl is cracking me up.  She's generally quite the trooper and pretty amiable ~ I really wasn't expecting the attitude. 

The last mile is pure misery.  She's sweating, she's snarky, she's cranky and she wants to walk.  We get to a downhill and I make her run ~ "let the gravity do the work" ~ "I don't WANT to let the gravity do the work." 

So finally after what seemed like an eternity the 3 mile mark appeared and she took off at a sprint.  I think she wanted that sucker over NOW.  It was all I could do to keep up with her.  We crossed the finish line where they immediately handed her a hot pink water bottle full of ice water.  She took a big drink, then turned to me and said, "I have to give this back, right?"  I said, "Nope, you get to keep it.  Now you have a t-shirt AND a water bottle."  And the spark returned. 

The shopping queen began to recover her good humor as she discovered there was a treasure trove of goodies to collect.  Armed with her new reusable shopping bag, she happily spent an hour collecting goodies.  By the time we left she was a happy thing, proud of her first 5k, but really more thrilled with her grocery bag, her t-shirt, her water bottle, her chapstick, her can of Amp, her energy gum, and her coupon for a free Jamba Juice. 

Sarah, girl, you made me laugh today.  Running with you was not exactly what I expected, Miss Snarky, but it was a lot of fun and yes, you will do it again.  Think of the goodies at the end! 


Julie said...

Oh the goodies at the end are so much fun!

Tracy said...

What a sense of humor! I like the "snarky" part. Too cute.

Annette said...

It's all about the swag! :) Too funny.
I have to admit - there was a moment when I had a flashback to you and your mom. Not the running part, but the mother-daughter interchange. Too funny!! ;)